You will only be able to see this menu if:
- You have a dedicated instance.
- You are a user manager, superadmin or staff.
The Administration Console is the place where you can monitor the global use of Athento by your company's users, through the different work teams.
The Administration Console has several submenus:
- The Usage tab: from here you can see the global consumption of your Athento instance and the plan you have contracted. How can I consult the limits and consumption of my account?
- The Teams tab: contains statistics about the different teams registered in the platform. How can I know the number of users in the different Athento teams?
- Users tab: in this tab you have the list of all the users of the platform. From this tab you can easily find a user of the platform, export the list of users or edit properties or preferences of the users. From here you can also change the language of a user and customise the appearance of the platform for users.
- Operations tab: here you can find some statistics about the execution of operations on the platform.
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