Athento allows the download of documents or digital contents at the same time, in zip format. This download only exports the files, not the values of the fields.
Please note that this download is not designed for downloading large quantities of documents.
of documents. If you want to download documents in bulk,
you must use the bulk export tool.
How to massively export documents in Athento
To download, go to the advanced search:
Perform your search, applying the appropriate filters to find the documents you want to download. You can consult the article How does the advanced search work? for more information.
Once you have located the documents you want to export, click on the Add to clipboard button in the actions column of the document list.
Athento will open the clipboard on the right side of the screen. There you can see the added documents.
Once you have the documents to be exported in the clipboard, you can select all or some of them.
Click on the download button.
A .zip package will be downloaded with the selected documents.
Documents added to the clipboard for download must contain a file, whether in pdf, Word, Excel, or other format.
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