It is possible to configure Athento so that automatic tasks are executed when a document transitions to a certain lifecycle state.
The automatic task must be enabled in the space where you will use this form.
To run an automation task when the document gets into a state, from the lifecycle configuration, go to the state where you want the automation to run and click on the state menu .
Click on Edit Automation Tasks.
Next, select the automation tasks you want to run.
The automation tasks can be executed in two different moments:
- Before the state of the document is updated: During the transition to this state, right before the lifecycle state is updated for the document. This is the default behavior.
- After lifecycle state update: the automation tasks will be executed only once the lifecycle state is changed to the state.
This distinction is important when you use automation tasks that dynamically change the lifecycle state.
Automation tasks cannot be executed in the first state of the lifecycle, unleast
there is a transition from the final state to the first state.
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