Basic search
Percentage (%) and Asterisk (*) for text searches
These two operators act as a wildcard and will match any word or phrase.
For example, if we search for:
Athento will return documents that contain in their title or field values "ATH202" followed by any other set of characters.
The search would return documents such as:
Advanced search
Athento supports user-friendly operators such as:
Indicates that the criterion matches one of the options in a set. For example:
Space IN Space A and Space B.
It will return the documents that are in Space A or Space B.
Returns an exact match. It is case-sensitive.
Exact insensitive
Ignore the presence of upper or lower case letters.
Searches for a string or expression contained in the title of documents or in field values. It is case-sensitive. Use the "Contains insensitive" option if you do not want it to be case-sensitive.
Starts with
Returns the documents whose title begins with the indicated string or expression. You can select whether you want it to be case-sensitive or not.
Ends with
Returns documents whose title ends with a given string or expression. You can specify whether you want it to be case-sensitive.
Empty, Not Empty, With Value
The advanced search by field values generally supports filters:
- Empty: It returns the documents in which there is no value for that field.
- Not Empty: It returns the documents that have values in the field.
- With value: This filter is used to search for a value. Athento offers different possibilities depending on the field.
Date fields
The supported options to search by a date value are:
- <, >, >=,<=, == than an exact date. Allows us to search by a reference date.
- days/moths/weeks ago : the value of the field is between TODAY and the last X days, weeks, or months.
- days/moths/weeks forward: the value of the field is between TODAY and the next X days, weeks, or months.
- range: the value of the field is between two exact dates.
User fields and Author
The user type fields, in addition to allowing us to search by a specific value, allow us to search by Current User. Filtering by the Current User will return the documents in which the field takes the value of the user name that is making the query.
This will allow us to find documents in which, for example, I am assigned as Account Manager.
Advanced search logical operators
The advanced search supports the use of AND and OR operators to nest queries.
- AND: This operator is used to find the documents in which all the indicated conditions are met.
- OR: This operator is used to find the documents in which any of the indicated conditions are met.
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