Save a search
To save a search, use the "Save search" button after you have made a filter. The order of the columns and the visibility of the columns you have specified will also be saved.
In the dialogue box that appears, enter a name for your search. The option to create your search will then appear below.
Athento will ask you if you want to share your search with other users or if it is just for you. Choose the option you want. If you choose the option to share with groups, you must choose the groups in the dialogue box.
Click Create to save your search.
Use a saved search
Choose the saved search you want to use. Start typing the name of the search for Athento to suggest results.
Selecting the search will automatically change the filter to the previously saved search.
Use the "clear filters" button to reset the fields to their original state.
Update an existing search
To update an existing search:
1. select the search.
2. Make the desired change to the filter.
3. Click the save search button.
4. Optionally, you can change who you want to share the search with.
5. Click on "Refresh".
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