Athento has a team of professionals with training in information technology and implementation of projects based on its own product.
Clients interested in contracting these services can contract two modalities.
The contracting of a project involves the specification by the client of the requirements that need to be met. Based on these requirements, Athento's team estimates the effort, cost and planning for the execution of the project.
Normally, during the consultancy phase, improvements, scope changes, etc. that need to be included in the project may be identified.
If during the execution of the project new needs or modifications to the existing ones arise, the Athento team will be in charge of estimating them and informing the client of this new estimate.
The contracting of this modality tends to be less flexible, but the client has greater control over the investment to be made and the execution time.
If Athento identifies that the project is not sufficiently defined with the client's requirements, it is possible that a previous consultancy may be suggested in order to refine the collection and specification of requirements.
Bags of hours
Con la contratación de una bolsa de horas, el cliente dispone de un volumen de horas concreto para implementar los requisitos que vayan surgiendo durante el periodo en el que esté activa la bolsa de horas.
Se utiliza una bolsa de horas cuando el cliente necesita mayor flexibilidad en la realización de cambios, tiempos de ejecución y cuando los requisitos no están definidos desde el inicio de la necesidad.
Puede leer más sobre este servicio en ¿En qué consiste el servicio de bolsas de horas?
By contracting a pool of hours, the client has a specific volume of hours to implement the requirements that arise during the period in which the pool of hours is active.
A bag of hours is used when the client needs greater flexibility in the implementation of changes, execution times and when the requirements are not defined from the beginning of the need.
You can read more about this service in What is the service of bags of hours?
Important note
The provision of the SaaS service does not include professional services work, does not include the production of customised reports, does not include attendance at meetings, does not include the performance of ethical hacking or similar analyses, or services other than SaaS services. If you require special technical assistance, please ask for a quote.
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