Athento allows you to save search filters so that you can reuse them, as well as share them with other users.
Saving a search filter
1. Perform the required search filter by following the instructions in the article How does the advanced search work?
2. Apply the filter by selecting "Search".
3. Clic on "Save"
4. Type in a name for your search and click on Create. You can also select an existing search filter.
5. A field will appear where you can indicate to whom you want to share the saved search filter. You can keep it only for your own usage, for all users belonging to the team or to one or more groups of users. Select the desired option.
Only Team Administrator or superusers can share saved searches with other users.
If you need a search to be shared, ask your team administrator.
6. If the option to share with groups is selected, another field will be displayed where the group(s) to share the search with will have to be indicated.
7. Once you are ready, click on Create.
8. The search will be saved and available for the future from the "Saved Searches" option.
How to change a saved filter and update its sharing options?
1. Go to the Advanced search.
2. Select the saved search you want to modify.
3. To edit the filter we simply modify the filter with the new conditions and click on the "Save" button.
4. At this point, a window will be displayed. Make sure you are in the right saved search and then click con the "Update" button.
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