One of the field types available in Athento is the User type field.
This type of field allows you to select a user of the platform that belongs to a specific group.
Create a new field and select "Users" as the metadata type.
Next, you will have to perform the basic configuration of this type of fields.
- Notify user on assignment: by enabling this checkbox, the user will receive an email as soon as his name is assigned in the field.
- Notification template: this is the mail template used to notify the user.
- Filtering by group: this is the group for which the users will be displayed.
Select the group of users you want to be displayed in the field and enable to be notified at the time of assignment.
In addition to the notifications, it is possible to define pending trays so that users have in them, those documents or tasks that have been assigned to them.
How to create a single tray to show only the documents assigned to a user?
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