Política de Privacidad
Athento's Privacy Policies are posted at:
Data ownership
The data uploaded by users to Athento's cloud are their property and therefore Athento is not responsible for their nature or content.
Documents requiring medium and high levels of security - LOPD
Clients who have to store in Athento information that requires medium security levels (data of ideology, union affiliation, religion, beliefs, racial origin, health or sexual life) or high security levels must inform Athento of this circumstance. Compliance with these security levels may require the hiring of extra services. Athento is not responsible for these security levels if it has not been notified and if the client has not contracted the security measures adapted to the needs of the documentation to be stored.
Server Locations
For our customers in Spain and the European Union, the infrastructure hosting Athento is located in France and Spain. Our customers in the Americas have the service hosted on Canadian servers.
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