Athento offers 99.95% monthly availability.
Because we know how important it is for you to have your documents available all the time, we compensate you if we do not meet our SLAs. The compensations of our different SLAs are cumulative.
General Application Availability
Monthly compliance |
Compensation Credits (in % of current monthly invoice) |
Availability from 99.92 % to 99.90%. | 3% |
Availability from 99.89 % to 99.70%. | 5% |
Availability from 99.69 % to 99.50%. | 8% |
Availability below 99.49%. | 15% |
- You will receive a discount for your next purchase equivalent to the amount of the compensation.
- For the measurement of this SLA we take as a reference the availability measured with the tool that we use to monitor the provision of the service. SLA compliance is measured per calendar month.
- It should be noted that scheduled interventions do not count as unavailability.
- Compensations may never exceed 15% of the total invoice for the month of default.
Reading Availability
It refers to the access to documents. This availability is important for clients that consult documents in the document manager via API. Availability is measured in proportion to the total number of API calls. It is the percentage of calls with an OK response.
Athento's read availability commitment is 96%**.
Monthly compliance |
Compensation Credits (in % of current monthly invoice) |
Reading availability between 95% and 93%. | 1% |
Reading availability between 92.99% and 91.00%. | 2% |
Reading availability between 90.99% and 89%. | 3% |
Reading availability between 88.99% and 85%. | 4% |
Reading availability below 84.99%. | 7% |
- Only those errors that can be attributed to the malfunction of the tool and not, for example, to the misuse of the API will be taken into account as errors.
Writing Availability
This refers to the ability to create or edit documents. This availability is important for clients that create and update documents in the document manager via API. Availability is measured in proportion to the total number of API calls. It is the percentage of calls with an OK response.
Athento's writing availability commitment is 96%**.
Monthly compliance |
Compensation Credits (in % of current monthly invoice) |
Writing availability between 95% and 93%. | 1% |
Deed availability between 92.99% and 91.00%. | 2% |
Writing availability between 90.99% and 89%. | 3% |
Writing availability between 88.99% and 85%. | 4% |
Write availability below 84.99%. | 7% |
- Only those errors that can be attributed to the malfunction of the tool and not, for example, to the misuse of the API will be taken into account as errors.
** The 5% margin of errors is due to the fact that there are usually errors derived from the use of the API by the applications. For example, permission errors, JSON formatting errors, etc. These errors depend on data from third party applications and for this reason are excluded.
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