Athento allows you to archive documents, which you do not want to delete permanently but to which you do not plan to access frequently. Archiving documents is a good practice to keep your database healthy and to make your search queries much faster.
Athento archives documents in MongoDB. Archiving can be done manually or automated.
You can archive documents in two different ways:
- From the document view. If you have superuser permissions, the option to archive to Mongo will be available in the drop-down menu “other actions”.
- From the command line.
python archive_files_to_mongo
- Parameters:
- date. Mandatory. Files whose modification date is before this date will be archived. It must be specified with the format: %d-%m-%Y. E.g.: 15-06-2024
- archive. If this parameter is not specified the documents will not be archived, if this parameter is not sent only the number of documents to be archived will be shown in the log.
- Parameters:
Listing and searching archived documents
Documents archived in Athento can be viewed in a tab called 'document archive'.
In this tab you can filter using the search box at the top right of the tab. This search is performed by document title, document uuid and metadata. The search is insensitive.
You can also unarchive any document from this tab.
**Note: Documents with metadata of document type, choice type or multichoice and document subtype will not be archived. In addition, documents referenced in any metadata will not be archived.
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