Athento loads the options of the "choice" and "multichoice" type fields with subtype users or groups at the user's request, i.e. not all options are loaded when the view is loaded to improve performance. These options are loaded when the user clicks on the field. On the other hand, only 20 options will be loaded initially and when scrolling down in the selector the options will be loaded as needed.
If you want that, for a particular field, all the options are loaded (it worsens the performance) when the document view is loaded, you must do it from the field administration (Home > Metadatatatype > Metadata types > <field in question>).
If it is a user subtype, check the box "Load options by default" in the "Choice users metadata type configs" section.
If it is a user subtype we must check the box "Load options by default" in the "Choice groups metadata type configs" section.
**Note: It is very important to know that the default behavior is the one in which the "Load options by default" option is not enabled, since it greatly upgrades the performance. If we enable it, the default behavior will not be used, so there could be some performance problem in the loading of the fields.
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