It is an Athento environment in which User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is performed. UAT tests are tests that the user performs on one or several use cases implemented in Athento to give its approval. Prior to these tests, QA or Quality tests are performed, which can be performed by Athento, by a testing department or by an Athento partner.
The fundamental objective of UAT testing is to validate the software against business requirements. This validation must be performed by end users who know the business operations in depth.
Las pruebas UAT pueden ser realizadas a nivel de casos de uso concretos o a nivel End2End en las que se prueba todo el proceso implementado en Athento de inicio a final.
End2End tests are the last tests that are carried out before the software goes live, therefore, they are the last opportunity for the end user to test the customizations in Athento and give their conformity.
Athento will not accept requests for post and pre-production changes if UATs have not met the following requirements:
These tests will have a duration of 2 weeks.
The tests will have to be done with REAL documents.
The tests must be done with REAL DATA.
The tests will have to be executed by END users with their REAL Athento accounts.
User tests shall be performed at WORKPLACES.
For the support of the tests, Athento will deliver test cases and optionally, visual material (slides, documents with screenshots, or videos).
Other important information:
What guarantees do I have about the information stored in UAT and QA environments?
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