Athento permite usar tres tipos de plantillas para componer un documento:
Cada una de las anteriores plantillas permite la composición de un documento y su configuración dependerá del uso final de la plantilla y su complejidad.
Plantillas HTML
Athento proporciona un editor de texto desde el cual se puede componer fácilmente una plantilla en lenguaje HTML. Los usuarios pueden redactar el texto fijo de la plantilla, insertar imágenes o tablas como lo harían en cualquier editor de contenido web.
Athento allows you to use three types of templates to compose a document:
Each of the above templates allows the composition of a document and its configuration will depend on the final use of the template and its complexity.
HTML Templates
Athento provides a text editor from which a template can be easily composed in HTML language. Users can write the fixed text of the template, insert images or tables as they would in any web content editor.
Word and Excel templates
If your company works with established templates in Word or Excel format, you will be able to load them in Athento but first you will have to configure them, using the values of the fields of your forms as parameters of the template. This kind of templates are very used in cases where after their generation you need to edit them to create a final document. See configuration.
JasperReports Templates
If you have a much more complex template, which involves more detail and dynamism, we advise you to work with Jasper Report. These templates will allow you to give a customised design and preserve the original structure of the template. These types of templates generate a final document that is not modifiable and are widely used in document composition by integration.
To review the configuration of the templates in Jasper you can go to our Document Composition course.
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