To add a watermark to a template in Jasper Reports, you must first upload the image you will use as a watermark to Athento.
Create a Space and a Form to store this resource. On the created space, you must activate the "Create feature path folder" operation. This operation will generate a feature with the location on the server of the image you will use as watermark.
You can then upload the image to Athento, as if you were creating any document.
You can wait for automatic processing to run or force the operation to run manually to obtain the path to the image to be used as a watermark.
After processing the document, access its features.
Copies the value of the "folder path" property.
In the Outline side menu, locate the "Page Footer" option. On it, right click and select the option "Add Band".
Once the Page Footer is created, from the Palette option, copy the value of the feature you copied in the previous step.
Note: The image should not leave the Page Footer, but the size should be added in the opposite direction.
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