Number-type fields are intended to store whole numbers or decimal numbers. Generally, numbers with which some kind of arithmetic operation can be performed:
- Quantities
- Units of measurement
- Percentages
- Monetary amounts
Another important feature to consider is that if you use number-type fields to store something other than an integer or a decimal, you won't be able to use search filters like "Contains" or "Starts with."
Examples of good use of a number-type field 👍🏽
- Salary of a person
- Monetary cost of a lawsuit
- Quantity of a product
- Total amount of an invoice
Do not use number-type fields to store data like this 👎🏾
- A phone number
- An employee code
- A product code
- A postal code
- An identification number
Use text-type fields to store examples like the ones above.
How to differentiate when to do it and when not to? Trick 🪄
Before activating the number type, ask yourself, would it make sense to add two of the values contained in this field?
For instance, does it make sense to add two phone numbers?
And what if I want to ensure that the data adheres to a format?
For that, use the text patterns that you can find in the field's configuration.
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