To perform a currency conversion it is possible to use the following operation
To perform these conversions and have the exchange rates updated, this operation uses Exchange Rates API. This is why for it to work correctly, the setting EXCHANGE_RATES_API_KEY must be configured with a valid key to be able to perform the queries. It is possible to register on the site free of charge to obtain this access key, which you can find in your user's Dashboard. It should be noted that the free use of this API allows up to 100 calls per month.
Having configured the above, the only thing left to do is to configure the operation
For this, we can find the following parameters:
- Converted currency amount destination field: Field in which the amount will be saved after the conversion.
- Destination currency type: Type of currency to which the conversion will be made.
- Original currency: Currency type of the amount to be converted. If specified, this value will always be used and not the one specified in the Original currency field.
- Original currency amount field: Field containing the amount to be converted.
- Original currency field: Field indicating the currency type of the amount to be converted.
- Conversion rate used destination field: Field to store the exchange rate used to perform the conversion.
- Currency date field: Field from which a date will be taken so that the conversion will use the historical exchange rate of that date.
Note: The list of accepted currency codes for the Destination currency type and Original currency fields can be found at this link.
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