Athento allows to create rows in an item table from document fields with their values through the following operation:
To use it, it must first be installed in the space.
The parameters must be configured:
- Table of items / Table type field: Field in which the created record will be added.
- Mapping of data into itable / Mapeo de datos en la tabla: Text in JSON format where the values for the columns of the table must be specified, either fixed values or expressions with metadata from the document. Columns that are not indicated in this JSON, will not be filled with any value. In other words, the names of the columns and the values they will take are indicated here.
The format to follow in this parameter is:
First the column, followed by the field or expression to be filled in. For columns containing boolean data, the value can be either true or false.
- Columns to be evaluated / Columns to be evaluated: Slugs of the columns that contain an expression as value in the previously mentioned JSON, so that in order to calculate its final value that expression must be evaluated. In case of evaluating more than one, they must be separated by a comma in the following way: slug_column_1,slug_column_2,slug_column_3...
When executed, you can see how after the operation is executed, the new record is added to the specified item table:
Then, the only thing left to do is to make the necessary configuration to execute the operation where it needs to be executed.
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