This section will explain the different possibilities available for title search values.
* endpoint: /nuxeo/site/automation/Athento.DocumentResultSet/
* field: dc:title
* allowed operators: %
For example if we want to get all documents containing the word test in the title the corresponding query would look like this:
"SELECT ecm:uuid, dc:title FROM Document WHERE dc:title LIKE '%test%' "
or this form:
"SELECT ecm:uuid, dc:title FROM Document WHERE dc:title LIKE 'test' "
If, for example, we want the document to start with the word test, we need to use the operator at the end of the search string ('test%'), resulting in a query with this structure.
"SELECT ecm:uuid, dc:title FROM Document WHERE dc:title LIKE 'test%' "
If instead we want the document to end with the word test, it is necessary to use the operator at the beginning of the search string ('%test'), resulting in a query with this structure.
"SELECT ecm:uuid, dc:title FROM Document WHERE dc:title LIKE 'test%' "
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