Athento ECM provides a service in API v1 for querying audit trails. The definition is as follows:
GET https://<athentohost>/nuxeo/api/athento/v1/audit/workflow
with the following request parameters:
- page: is the current page for results
- pageSize: is the page size to obtain results
- queryParams: is the list of query parameters related to the type of audit search document.
bas:eventCategory: to filter by the event category.
bas:eventCategories: to filter by several categories of the event (list).
bas:mainName:to filter by the user who generated the event.
bas:mainNames: to filter by multiple authors (list)
bas:startDate: to filter by search start date.
bas:endDate: to filter by search end date.
bas:eventId: to filter by event identifier.
bas:eventIds: to filter by multiple events (list).
bas:targetDocumentType: to filter by the document type of the final document.
bas:targetDocumentUUID: to filter by the docid of the final document (similar to uuid in parameters).
bas:targetDocumentPath: to filter by the document path.
bas:logId: to filter by a specific log id.
Translated with (free version)
- parameters: are the context parameters for the query:
- uuid: to indicate the identifier of the document on which you want to perform the query. It is not mandatory and when it is not added, all the records are obtained from the system.
GET https://<athentohost>/nuxeo/api/athento/v1/audit/workflow?page=0&pageSize=20&queryParams=bas:eventCategory=eventWorkflowCategory,bas:startDate=2019-03-01,bas:endDate=2019-07-31
The output will be in JSON format with the information related to the total and the list of audit entries.
The now() function can be used to locate by date, using "d", "m" and "y" to set a number of days before or after.
Example to obtain from a previous month to the time of execution:
GET https://<athentohost>/nuxeo/api/athento/v1/audit/workflow?page=0&pageSize=20&queryParams=bas:eventCategory=eventWorkflowCategory,bas:startDate=now(-1m),bas:endDate=now()
Example to obtain from one year prior to 10 days after execution:
GET https://<athentohost>/nuxeo/api/athento/v1/audit/workflow?page=0&pageSize=20&queryParams=bas:eventCategory=eventWorkflowCategory,bas:startDate=now(-1y),bas:endDate=now(10d)
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